Webinar: Discovering good practice examples of industrial symbiosis and bio-based business models


Date & time

26.05.2021 10:00 (GMT+3)


ONLINE event



Striving to become the first climate-neutral continent, the EU adopted the European Green Deal, a new growth strategy that aims to transform Europe into a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy, where there are no net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050, economic growth is decoupled from resource use, and no person and no place is left behind.

Nordic countries have the vision to become most sustainable and integrated region by 2030. Key elements of this transformation are the development of circular economy and sustainable bioeconomy supporting set goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, become more resource efficient and substitute fossil resources with renewable resources.

Nordic Council of Ministers offices in the Baltic countries joined forces with two ongoing Interreg Baltic Sea Region projects, the “BIS – Baltic Industrial Symbiosis” project and the “BalticBiomass4Value” project and will present recent findings on the implementation of industrial symbiosis and bio-based business models. Taking these experiences into consideration will help the industrial sector in the Baltic Sea area to speed up the transition and become more competitive in the international race towards capturing the markets embracing sustainability.

Therefore, industrial symbiosis and bio-based business stakeholders, i.e. representatives of public authorities, academia and the business sector, are kindly invited to participate in a webinar that will be held on 26 May 2021 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM (EEST).

The aim of this event is to engage stakeholders from a triple helix constellation to facilitate the development of the industrial symbiosis mindset. This will be achieved through storytelling experiences and networking enabling the exchange of knowledge and experience across borders. Participants will be introduced with:

  • Tools that will help new actors in developing industrial symbiosis (key policy framework, role of SMEs and municipalities, mapping facilitator’s toolbox);
  • Good practice examples of industrial symbiosis in the Nordic countries (examples of industrial symbiosis in Kalundborg, Paper Province, Sotenäs);
  • Bio-based business models for the replacement of fossil fuels with bio-based fuels, as well as for novel uses of bio-based materials for non-energy purposes;
  • Good practice examples of bio-based business models presented and explained by practitioners, i.e. business companies itself.

Notably, following this webinar, the participants will be invited to direct one to one dialogue presenting the opportunity to take advantage from free consultancy support assisting industrial symbiosis stakeholders to speed up their transition efforts.

See full agenda of the event.

The webinar is free of charge, but pre-registration is required. Please fill in online registration form here.

Language of the event is English.



More information

Lina Janušauskienė

Lina Janušauskienė

Adviser for Economy, Finances and Energy

Lithuanian, English, Russian



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