International Conference “Universal Design. Comfortable Life for People – New Business Opportunities”

Date & time

26.04.2018 13:00 (GMT+3)


Lithuanian Exhibition and Congress Centre "Litexpo", Exhibition hall 5.3 (Laisves av. 5, Vilnius)



Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Lithuania invites you to international conference “Universal Design. Comfortable Life for People – New Business Opportunities”. 

Universal design (UD) is a strategic approach for planning and design of products and environments in a fashion that promotes an inclusive society that ensures full equality and participation for all.

Conference aims at transferring knowledge of Nordic and Lithuanian specialists working in UD field and introducing best implemented examples. It is expected that the knowledge becomes an important incentive for the business (architects, construction companies, building materials and equipment manufacturers) to develop possibilities of UD application.

Conference target groups:

  • Specialists: construction engineers, architects, designers, etc.;
  • Representatives of municipality administrations;
  • Interested communities: parents with babies (active parent organisations), elderly people/senior citizens (their organisations), the disabled, youth representatives, etc.;
  • State institutions with the interest of creating conditions for comfortable working places and residential areas.

Conference Programme

  • 13.00–13.20
    Greeting word:
    Helèn NILSSON, Director, Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Vilnius
    Prof. Marius ŠALIAMORAS, Head of Architecture department of Vilnius Academy of Arts
  • 13.20–13.50
    How can design and architecture support the principle of Universal Design?
    Sigmund ASMERVIK, Architect, PhD., Professor emeritus, Norway
  • 13.50–14.20
    Physical accessibility in the City of Borås, Sweden: From law to practical implication (In 2015 Boras municipality received a special European Commission award for the best-adapted city for all residents)
    Lena MELLBLAD, Accessibility Consultant of Borås city Municipality
    Dr. Herawati NOWAK, Disability Consultant of Borås city Municipality
  • 14.20–14.45
    Consumer-centric living solutions
    Pekka HELIN, M.Sc. (Business Administration) YIT Oyj Senior Vice President, Head of Living Services
  • 14.45–15.00
    Coffee break
  • 15.00 -15.20
    Use mapping for planning – experiences from Norway
    Kathrin BÖGELSACK, Engineer of Norwegian Mapping Authority & Sven MICHAELIS, Senior engineer of Norwegian Mapping Authority
  • 15.20–15.40
    The Danish Accessibility Label: Universal design is essential to the development of new or more business opportunities within the tourism sector.
    Ulla KRAMER, Head of secretariat of the Danish Accessibility Association
  • 15.40–16.00
    Opportunities of universal design to the business.
    Justina JAKŠTIENĖ, Head of Structural Support Department II, Social Security Projects Division
  • 16.00–17.00
    Discusion, questions, comments from audience
    Participants: the speakers and Daiva BAKŠIENĖ, the chairman of the Architects’ Chamber of Lithuania; Jolanta ŠLIUŽIENĖ, Deputy director of the Department for the Affairs of Disabled under the Ministry of Social Security and Labour

More information

Vida Gintautaitė

Vida Gintautaitė

Adviser for Social and Health issues

Lithuanian, English, Russian



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