How did I det to the bomb shelter: multidisciplinary exhibition of contemporary Ukrainian artists

Photo by Eythór Árnason

Date & time

23.02.2024 17:30 (GMT+1)


Klaipėda Culture Communication center Exhibition hall, Didžioji Vandens str. 2, Klaipėda


Lithuanian, English

"How did I get to the bomb shelter" is a multidisciplinary exhibition of works by seven contemporary Ukrainian artists curated by Yulia Sapiha and produced by The Nordic House in Reykjavik. In the exhibition artists explore themes related to their personal experiences of war during the Russian invasion of Ukraine, longing for peace and security, their paths towards survival and hopes for the future.  

The exhibition seeks to visualize the experiences of artists who came face to face with the war. Wartime is definitely about harshness, hatred and fear, but it is also about boundless courage, empathy and a heightened sense of love, which for many became a ’bomb shelter’. We might then ask: What paths lead to the artists personal shelter?

The works explore these topics in several dimensions, by creating a dialouge between the new surrounding reality in Ukraine and generated experiences from this reality. The viewer is immersed in the abstract history of Ukraine to enable experiencing this moment of before and after. Encouraging the questions: What will be left to restore and recreate when the war is over? How to find peace during these difficult times and keep hope alive for the future?

Exhibiting artists include:

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Brigita Urmanaitė

Brigita Urmanaitė

Adviser for Culture and Education

Lithuanian, English, Norwegian, Estonian, Russian



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