Green office

The Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Lithuania is proud to lead a series of sustainability initiatives aimed at significantly reducing our environmental impact and contributing to global goals. These efforts exemplify our dedication to the ambitious Nordic Vision 2030, striving to make our region as the most sustainable and inclusive in the world. Our commitment extends beyond our external projects, ensuring alignment with our internal practices as well.

A recent environmental assessment conducted in 2023 revealed that our office operations were responsible for emitting 88 tonnes of CO2e, highlighting an urgent need to amplify our emissions reduction efforts. With air travel as a major contributor, accounting for 41.3 tonnes of CO2e, followed by office operations at 39.8 tonnes of CO2e, we are inspired to tackle these challenges through a variety of initiatives.

To ensure our impact is limited, we are implementing a range of initiatives to reduce emissions, such as making smarter travel choices and choosing vegan food during events. We are also aiming to become planet positive by positively contributing to the climate by supporting wetland and reforestations projects, which have already helped prevent 615 tonnes of CO2e – equivalent to double or our emissions in from the period of 2019 – 2022.

Background and journey towards sustainability

Our commitment to sustainability began in 2010 when we established our first green action plan. The most recent of our Climate and Environmental Action Plan signifies a strategic evolution, closely aligned with the Nordic Council of Ministers’ broader objectives. Drawing inspiration from the “Climate and Environmental Action Plan for Nordens Hus 2022–2024,” our actions in Lithuania contribute to and are informed by global sustainability goals. This document is designed to dynamically adapt, reflecting our ongoing journey and incorporating new strategies, technologies, and best practices to achieve a sustainable future.

Engaging our community and stakeholders

Our sustainability approach emphasizes the importance of collaboration across all levels:

  • Staff engagement: Our team is at the heart of our environmental efforts, participating in educational activities and embracing opportunities to directly witness the impact of our actions.
  • Holistic projects: We ensure environmental considerations are integrated into all collaborative projects, fostering a comprehensive approach to sustainability that also encompasses gender equality and youth engagement.
  • Local partnerships and expert collaboration: By partnering  with local agencies and NGOs, we not only contribute to the community but also gain valuable insights. Working with specialists like Planet Positive, we strive for accurate sustainability reporting, benefiting from their expertise to enhance our practices. Our collaboration with organizations working with peatland restoration and reforestation further our positive climate contributions.

Our engagement strategy and longstanding commitment underline our dedication to driving sustainable change, both within our operations and the wider community.

Our initiatives at a glance

  • Sustainable travel: Through the use of a hybrid office car, promoting carpooling, making conscious flight choices, and advocating for public transport, we are actively working to decrease our carbon footprint. We prioritize eco-friendly options such as walkable event venues and eco-labelled hotels whenever possible
  • Sustainable food practices: At all events, we exclusively offer vegan food options and are dedicated to avoiding food waste and ensure that any unavoidable waste is disposed of responsibly.
  • Premises sustainability: We have upgraded to LED lighting and energy-efficient appliances,  and focus on managing water, heating and power use more effectively.
  • Waste management: Our journey to a paperless office, enhanced recycling efforts, and the introduction separate food waste recycling are key to our waste reduction strategy. We are also phasing out single-use items and have removed personal waste bins to encourage recycling.
  • Green procurement: We adhere to the Nordic Swan label and prioritize sustainable office, cleaning, and event supplies.
  • Engagement and awareness: Activities like wetland visits and emissions review sessions involve our team directly in our sustainability efforts, building a culture of environmental responsibility.

Despite some limitations imposed by rental agreements and the need for air travel, our dedication to a greener future is steady. Discover more by exploring our Climate and Environmental Action Plan, and see how we are making a difference.

Climate contributions

Aligned with our commitment to immediate, impactful climate action, we actively engage in environmental restoration projects and other sustainability-focused initiatives. Through collaboration with the Foundation for Peatland Restoration, we have embarked on projects in Šilėnai and Tartokas, restoring over 5.5 hectares of peatlands. These projects have not only reduced our greenhouse gas emissions by 615 tonnes of CO2e but have also enhanced local biodiversity.

  • Tartokas Peatland Initiative: In collaboration with the local community and Nemunas Delta Regional Park, we have revitalized 3.8 hectares of Tartokas peatland, safeguarding its hydrology and habitats. This effort, preserving a vital ecosystem, is set to prevent 383.2 t CO2e by 2050, showcasing community-driven environmental stewardship.
  • Šilėnai Peatland Restoration: Known as an ‘Orchid Haven,’ the Šilėnai peatland is a biodiversity hotspot, home to seven rare plant species. Through our initiatives, we have safeguarded an additional hectare, preventing 129 tonnes of CO2e emissions until 2050 and bolstering this unique ecosystem.

Looking ahead

As we forge ahead, our office remains committed to our sustainability objectives. We continuously evaluate our progress and are setting new standards for sustainable practices. These initiatives are just a part of our broader commitment to a sustainable future.

We invite you to explore more about our initiatives and the comprehensive strategies outlined in our “Climate and Environment Action Plan”. Together, we can make a lasting impact on the planet and pave the way for a more sustainable future.



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