All the answers about the Nordic Gender Equality Fond

Date & time

22.02.2022 10:00 (GMT+2)





The Nordic Gender Equality Fund (NIKK) is a Nordic cooperation body under the Nordic Council of Ministers working on gender equality and pursuing the implementation of the Nordic Co-operation Programme on Gender Equality.

Do you want to know more about the fund? Do you search for co-operation partners? On February 22, NIKK is arranging a digital talk, where it answers your questions about the Nordic Gender Equality Fund and give the possibility to search for cooperation partners. Sign up and send in your questions via e-mail, at the latest on February 21.

The talk will be conducted in English. Questions can be asked in Scandinavian languages as well. The talk is free of charge and open to anyone who is interested.

Time: 22 February, 10.00-11.00 (CET)
Place: Digitally via Zoom. Link will be sent to those signed up.
Sign up: E-mail Jenny Pentler, Project Coordinator NIKK

More information

Vida Gintautaitė

Vida Gintautaitė

Adviser for Social and Health issues

Lithuanian, English, Russian



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