CITY OF TOMORROW Child-Friendly City Hackathon

Date & time

22.10.2021 10:00 (GMT+2)


Online event


English, Baltic and Scandinavian

We invite all the children from Nordic (Denmark, Finland, Island, Norway, Sweden) and Baltic (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia) region schools to create a child-friendly city.

This hackathon aims to strengthen children’s involvement in the Nordic-Baltic region. We believe that children have to be heard and involved in the development of future cities. We want to create child-friendly city solutions. Moreover, we will facilitate and strengthen the friendship between children and young adults in the Nordic-Baltic. In this hackathon, you will meet more than 150 children from 8 different counties.

The main hackathon partners: Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Lithuania, Katalista Ventures, Junior Achievement Lithuania, Reach for Change and UNICEF Lithuania. Together, they work towards transforming the Nordic-Baltic region into one that listens to its younger citizens.

We also invite various organizations, such as NGOs, administrative authorities, municipalities, private companies, startups, and IT, to join this hackathon as mentors and help children create and implement their best ideas.


During the hackathon, the participants will work on a solution related to one of the following areas :

🟢 My Healthy City

🟢 My Green City

🟢 My Playful City

🟢 My Resilient City

🟢 My Safe City

🟢 My Equal City

NB! We also strongly encourage you to suggest your own topic!


🟢 START – online event / October 22nd – a one-day online event full of fun and interesting activities – exercises, games, keynote speeches, and workshops.

🟢 MENTORSHIP DAY – online event / October 23rd – teams are working with various mentors and developing their solutions

🟢 DEMO DAY – online event / October 24th – the teams are finalizing their solutions, presenting them, and the best teams are announced and awarded.

More information on keynote speakers, mentors, and activities TBA.


👉 Create & implement your innovative solution – work with experienced mentors with your team on the solution that can make your city more child-friendly. The best teams will be able to implement their own solution!

👉 Find new friends – work together with +150 peers from Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Island, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.

👉 Get expert mentorships – consult with international experts and advisors and learn various new things during the hackathon

👉 Be awarded – get an opportunity to compete for 1000 Eur and more

👉 Have fun – participate in the various exercises, games, workshops and listen to interesting keynote speakers


👉 Children and young adults from the Nordic-Baltic region (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Island, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden)

👉 There are no limitations to your age, yet we would recommend the hackathon for children from 14 to 18 years old

Form a team of people from your school or register as an individual – we will do our best to select the most fitting teams for this hackathon. The deadline for applications is October 20th, 12 am EEST.


If you would like to take this challenge but still have questions or you would like to be a mentor and support children in creating their solutions – do not hesitate to contact us at, +370 65859139

More information

Vida Gintautaitė

Vida Gintautaitė

Adviser for Social and Health issues

Lithuanian, English, Russian



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