International conference

Integration through education and engagement of local actors

Date & time

24.10.2023 11:00 (GMT+2)


Online and live at KUMU Art Museum of Estonia, Tallinn



Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Estonia in collaboration with the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research, the University of Tartu, Tartu Welcome Centre, the UNHCR Representation for the Nordic and Baltic Countries and the Swedish Embassy in Tallinn is arranging an international conference “Integration through education and engagement of local actors”.

The conference focusses on the role of education in integration processes on local level and sharing experiences and practices of integration of Ukrainian refugees in the Nordic-Baltic Region. Representatives of academia, local governments and state organizations in the Nordic-Baltic region will present the knowledge and basic data on immigration and integration in their home countries and organizations, followed by joint discussions. The first key-note speech will be held by the Estonian Minister of Education and Research Kristina Kallas. Presentations from Sweden, Finland, Norway, Latvia and Lithuania will follow.

The conference will be arranged in the framework of the Nordic-Baltic project FOR-IN launched for the years 2022-2024. The project aims at fostering refugee and immigrant integration at the local level by creating country-specific intersectional cooperation models and regional networks of practitioners in the Nordic-Baltic Region. Local level integration of refugees and immigrants is a priority for countries in the Baltic-Nordic Region and far beyond. The experiences of Nordic and Baltic countries are of high value for receiving the refugees and helping them to integrate to the country of arrival. The project will help the Nordic and Baltic countries to learn from each other and to implement this knowledge on integration into everyday practice on local level.

Conference recourses

Listen to the discussion of the impact of the war in Ukraine on migration and refugee integration, the role of education in integrating newcomers, and the Nordic and Baltic countries’ experiences in receiving and integrating refugees: Podcast about the role of education in the integration –

More information

Vida Gintautaitė

Vida Gintautaitė

Adviser for Social and Health issues

Lithuanian, English



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