CSW67: Economic gender equality now! Nordic ways to close the pension gap

Date & time

07.03.2023 22:00 (GMT+3)





Although women in the Nordic countries have high levels of education and labour market participation, this does not automatically translate into gender equality in pensions. Efforts to promote equal pay and shared parental leave have taken us far in ensuring women’s economic empowerment in retirement. How do we also design pension systems that promote gender equality?

New Nordic research shows that multiple potential strategies and concrete measures exist to reduce the pension gap in the short term. Join Nordic and international experts in sharing solutions to develop gender-equal pension systems and labour markets.

Livestream: https://media.un.org/en/webtv
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Meet our expert panel:

Moderator: Karen Ellemann, Secretary General of the Nordic Council of Ministers

  • Kristina Háfoss, Secretary General of the Nordic Council
  • Clara Berglund, Secretary General, The Swedish Women’s Lobby
  • Chidi King, Gender Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Branch Chief, International Labour Organization
  • Eva Lindh, Chair, Nordic Council Welfare Committee, MP Sweden
  • Tone Wilhelmsen Trøen, Vice-Chair, Nordic Council Welfare Committee, MP Norway
  • Jóhanna Lind Elíasdóttir, Specialist, Ministry for Social Affairs & Labour, Iceland

More information

Vida Gintautaitė

Vida Gintautaitė

Adviser for Social and Health issues

Lithuanian, English, Russian



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