International conference

Welfare state: who, how, when, why?

Date & time

27.02.2020 12:30 (GMT+3)


„Radisson Blu Hotel Lietuva“, Konstitucijos pr. 20, Vilnius and online


English, with translation available in Lithuanian

The Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Lithuania kindly invites you to international conference "Welfare State: who, how when, why?"

Conference recording


12.00 Registration

12.30 Opening. Greetings from the organizers: Helén Nilsson, Director of the Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Lithuania, Ovidijus Lukošius, editor-in-chief of IQ magazine.

12.40 Greeting. Gitanas Nausėda, President of the Republic of Lithuania

12.45 The role of the state in generating trust. Kim Mannemar Sønderskov, professor at Århus university (Denmark)

13.05 Finnish Experience on Reforming Education. Jussi Välimaa Director of the Finnish Institute for Educational Research, Professor in Educational Studies at University of Jyväskylä

13.20 Discussion. Sustainability and the circular economy: does Lithuania need a Green Plan? Moderator – Arnoldas Pranckevičius, Head of the European Commission Representation in Lithuania. Participants: Vidmantas Janulevičius, Chairman of the board in BOD Group; Jekaterina Rojaka, Vice-Minister of the Economy and Innovation of the Republic of Lithuania; Marijus Valatka, director of Novo Nordisk Lithuania.

14.00 Coffee break

14.30 The welfare state and economic growth. Bo Legerius, Economist at the Swedish Association of Local and Regional Authorities.

14.45 Discussion. How to ensure an equal starting positions? Moderator – Jekaterina Navickė, Lecturer and researcher at Vilnius University. Participants: Bo Legerius, Economist at the Swedish Association of Local and Regional Authorities; Richard Martin-Nielsen, Chargé d’Affaires at Office of the Embassy of Canada in Lithuania; Saulė Mačiukaitė-Žvinienė, Chair of the Lithuanian Board of Education, Professor at Vilnius University.

15.25 The role of public services in the Welfare State. Stein Kuhnle, professor at Bergen university (Norway)

15.40 Discussion. The role of public services in the Welfare State. Moderator – Moderator: Gaja Šavelė, director of NGO coalition. Participants: Stein Kuhnle, professor at Bergen university (Norway); Jūratė Šeduikienė, director of Woman Information Center; Eitvydas Bingelis, Vice-Minister of Social Security and Labour of the Republic of Lithuania.

16.20 Discussion. Regional exclusion: two, three or still one Lithuania? Moderator – Gediminas Šimkus, Director of the Economic and Financial Stability Service of the Bank of Lithuania. Participants: Simonas Krėpšta, Chief Advisor to the President of the Republic of Lithuania; Mindaugas Sinkevičius, Jonava Mayor, President of Municipal Associations; Virginija Būdienė, director of Vilnius Institute for Policy Analysis.

17.00 End of the conference



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