Which Nordic country is best at qualification and labour-market integration for refugees?


Date & time

09.05.2022 09:00 (GMT+2)





The Nordic Council of Ministers and NIBR invites you to the launch of the research report «Scandinavian integration policies for refugees: A comparative analysis of qualification and labour market integration outcomes».

The report gives unique knowledge about refugees’ long-term participation at the Nordic labour markets, and especially, a first analysis of integration results for the refugees arriving in 2015.

The study combines comparative policy analysis with statistical analysis of integration measures, education and labour marked integration. This approach allows for a discussion of the following questions:

1. What similarities and differences exists amongst the integration measures used for newly arrived refugees in the Scandinavian countries?

2. Who has achieved the best results for qualification and labour marked integration – both in shorter and longer term?

3. What can the countries learn from each other regarding different approaches to the integration process the initial years?

The findings will be discussed by, among others, State Secretary Nancy Herz and representatives from Denmark and Sweden. The discussion is moderated by Asta Busingye Lydersen.

More information

Vida Gintautaitė

Vida Gintautaitė

Adviser for Social and Health issues

Lithuanian, English, Russian



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