International conference

LGBTQI+ inclusive education for a change in diverse society

Registration Open

Date & time

07.06.2024 09:30 (GMT+3)


Vilnius City Municipality, Konstitucijos av. 3, 20th floor


English, with translation available in Lithuanian

On 7 June 2024 the National LGBT rights organization LGL and Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Lithuania organize an international “Lithuanian Pride” conference “LGBTQI+ Inclusive Education for a Change in Diverse Society”

Data from a survey of LGBTQI+ students, conducted by the National LGBT rights organization LGL, indicates that the sense of security of LGBT students due to bullying in Lithuanian schools has been significantly decreasing since 2017.

Lack of LGBTQI+ inclusive education and scientifically based sexuality education, lack of teacher training in Lithuanian schools significantly contributes to hostile school climate for LGBTQI+ students. Empowering school climate is essential for LGBTQI+ students to reach their full potential in accessing education.

International cooperation, exchange of best practices, collaboration with decision makers, academia and businesses is essential in trying to solve the complex issue of anti-LGBTQI+ bullying and poor school climate. Together we can make a change to a more inclusive education in a more diverse society!

The conference will be hosted by Rugilė Butkevičiūtė, co-founder of “Ribologija”.

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More information

Vida Gintautaitė

Vida Gintautaitė

Adviser for Social and Health issues

Lithuanian, English, Russian



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