Mads Birgens: 5 Minute City


Date & time

30.05.2024 16:30 (GMT+3)


Vilnius Academy of Arts, Maironio st. 6, Vilnius



Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Lithuania and Architects Association of Lithuania invite you to a meeting with Mads Birgens, architect and Head of the Urban Planning department at a Copenhagen-based architectural firm COBE.

Mads will introduce the concept of the “5 minute city” and the pilot project COBE is developing for this concept in Jernbanebyen, a railway station area in the centre of Copenhagen. The project, which won an urban design competition in 2021, is tasked with developing a plan for a new urban district on a former industrial railway site (550,000 m²).

Participation is free of charge.
Meeting partner: Vilnius Academy of Arts.

More information

Lina Janušauskienė

Lina Janušauskienė

Adviser for Economy, Finances and Energy

Lithuanian, English, Russian



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