Nordic Welfare Forum 2023: The vitality of the Nordic welfare model

Date & time

02.06.2023 12:30 (GMT+3)


Online and live in Reykjavik, Iceland



The Nordic welfare model has been put under pressure in the past few years and there are many factors causing negative impact: the Covid-19 pandemic, war in Ukraine, cost-of-living crisis and the threat to the climate and environment. At the Nordic Welfare Forum, challenges will be discussed along with input about resilience, trust and possible solutions.

The Nordic Welfare Centre arranges the Welfare Forum on behalf of the Nordic Council of Ministers. One reason the Nordic Welfare Forum is held every two years is to monitor developments and challenges relating to welfare in the Nordic countries.

Some of the speakers at the Nordic Welfare Forum:

  • Welfare within the planet’s boundaries, Anders Wijkman, honorary chairman of the of the global think tank Club of Rome, Sweden
  • The Nordic welfare state challenged, Karl Ove Moene, professor, University of Oslo
  • Welfare states and crisis management, Stefán Ólafsson, professor, University of Island
  • Child poverty and the Nordic welfare state, Tone Fløtten, managing director of the Research Foundation Fafo, Norway
  • Wellbeing returns on social investment in turbulent times, Anton Hemerijck, professor, European University Institute, Florence, Italy

The event welcomes politicians, researchers, employees in the welfare sector and representatives for the civil society in the Nordic region. Everyone who is interested is welcome to follow the event via live stream.

Forum recording

More information

Vida Gintautaitė

Vida Gintautaitė

Adviser for Social and Health issues

Lithuanian, English, Russian



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