Response to Children and Youth Delinquency: Efficient Approaches to Navigate High Risk Behaviours

Date & time

25.04.2024 11:00 (GMT+3)


Radisson Hotel Kaunas, K. Donelaicio str. 27, Kaunas, Lithuania and online


English, with translation available in Lithuanian

The Nordic-Baltic conference "Response to Children and Youth Delinquency: Efficient Approaches to Navigate High Risk Behaviours" marks an important step towards establishing better support, specialized services, and a new approach to children and youth whose behavior is seen as challenging due to the risk it may pose to themselves or those around them.

These individuals are children and young people who experiment with psychoactive substances, are in conflict with the law, run away from home, face numerous difficulties at school, and exhibit aggressive or even abusive behavior. There is increasing recognition that the behavioral problems of children and young people often reflect their traumatic experiences in life, difficulties that the child is unable to cope with, and the lack of proper attention and support.

The conference aims to discuss a better and more comprehensive response to such behaviors and the necessary changes needed in the field of children and youth delinquency.

In four sessions of the conference there will be presentations on the following topics:

  1. Overview of countries’ tendencies, policy, national initiatives, organisation of services in response to children and  youth  delinquency
  2. Institutionalised services for high-risk adolescences (including post-institution services and support)
  3. Community-based services in addressing high risk behaviour (examples of services and other support)
  4. Possibilities of local municipalities to ensure sustainable high quality services

Conference recording:

Recorded conference available for viewing 

The conference is a part of the Scandinavian Days in Kaunas, and is  arranged by the Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Lithuania in close cooperation with the Lithuanian stakeholders – the Ministry of Social Security and Labour, the Office of Ombudsperson for Children’s Rights in Lithuania, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, Vilnius University, Kaunas City Municipality, Nordic and Baltic Embassies in Lithuania,  also Ministries in Estonia, Latvia, and in the Nordic countries,  Nordic Council of Ministers Offices in Estonia and Latvia, and Nordic Welfare Centre.

The event is funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers grant to the Nordic Baltic cooperation project on social affairs and health 2022-2024.

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More information

Vida Gintautaitė

Vida Gintautaitė

Adviser for Social and Health issues

Lithuanian, English, Russian



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