Date & time
12.02.2025 12:00 (GMT+2)
Online and on-site at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare THL, Mannerheimintie 166, Helsinki, Finland
The aim of the event is to promote the implementation of the CRPD, especially in the selected areas where there are particular common challenges. Experiences and examples will be presented from the Nordic and Baltic countries, and from the European level. Topics to be discussed include services and other preconditions that enable independent living – such as de-institutionalization by developing services for the local community and supported decision-making.
Opening of the event
12.00 Opening words, Mika Salminen, Director general, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare
12.10 Sirpa Rautio, Director of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights
Independent living
12.30 Guidance on independent living and inclusion in the community of persons with disabilities in the context of EU funding, Olga Martínez de Briones, European Commission
12.50–14.20 Practices from Nordic and Baltic countries
- Promoting independent living in residential housing in Sweden: A new National Centre of Knowledge on Autism and Intellectual Disability, Karin Flyckt, Socialstyrelsen, Sweden
- Promoting independent living in Iceland, Anna Klara Georgsdóttir, Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour of Iceland
- Experience with Piloting a Component-Based Service Model in Estonia, Elen Preimann, Ministry of Social Affairs of Estonia
- Independent living in Norway, Anna Bjørshol, Bufdir
- End of institutions? Reflections on the current state of deinstitutionalization in Finland, Hannu Vesala, Finnish Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Questions and comments
14.20–14.40 Break
Supported Decision-making
14.40 Supported decision-making and EDF human rights report on legal capacity, Marine Uldry, Human Rights Policy Coordinator, European Disability Forum
15.00 Practices from Nordic and Baltic countries
- Latvia’s experience on developing the supported decision making service, legislation and system, Dace Kampenusa, Ministry of Welfare of the Republic of Latvia
- Lithuania’s experience on developing supported decision-making, Rasa Genienė, Ministry of Social Security and Labour of the Republic of Lithuania
- Supported decision making in Act on Disability Services in Finland, Rut Nordlund-Spiby, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare
- Principles for supporting decision-making based on Finnish experiences, Pia Mölsä, Inclusion Finland (KVTL)
- Draft law on supported decision-making in Norway, Martine Eliasson & Aage Gjesdal, Uloba
- Supported Independent Decision-Making for Adults with Moderate Intellectual Developmental Disabilities, Mie Engen, Aalborg University & Thomas Waring Stubbe, University College of Northern Denmark
16.15–16.30 Sanna Ahola and Mikko Joronen, Finnish Human Rights Centre
RegistrationMore information

Vida Gintautaitė
Adviser for Social and Health issues
Lithuanian, English, Russian