
Lithuanian scientists are welcome to take part in Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change researches

2022 03 03

NordForsk together with The Research Council of Lithuania invites Lithuanian researchers with colleagues from the Baltic and Nordic states to participate in international Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change researches.

These researches will be done by scientists from three countries out of five (Estonia, Iceland, Lithuania, Norway, Finland, Sweden) that applied to finance them. So, scientists from three countries should make a consortium and apply.

The Research Council of Lithuania is planning to finance the participation of Lithuanian researchers in one of these projects. The total grant sum is € 300 thousand: up to € 150 thousand  for the coordinator and € 100 thousand for the partner. Participation in another project will be financed by the Ministry of Agriculture of Lithuania.

The whole budget of NordForsk for the research on climate change is € 6,5 million. The duration of the project is 24 – 48 months.

Applications should be submitted to the NordForsk application system by May 19th, 2022, at 1 pm. (Central European Summer Time (UTC+2))

NordForsk is an organization under the Nordic Council of Ministers that provides funding for and facilitates Nordic cooperation on research and research infrastructure. Outside of the Nordic countries, NordForsk is expanding its activities by cooperating with institutions that are financing research in the Baltic states.

This is not the first time the Research Council of Lithuania and NordForsk have been part of a project.  Before Research Council of Lithuania has also financed Lithuanian participation in NordForsk research related to innovations in „green growth” and health and wellbeing sectors.

During the second quarter of this year, Lithuanian researchers are also be invited to submit applications for the NordForsk project called „Future Working Life”. The theme of the project is future work-life, possible innovations to people‘s professional lives.

More information

Brigita Urmanaitė

Brigita Urmanaitė

Adviser for Culture and Education

Lithuanian, English, Norwegian, Estonian



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