
Additional application round for cooperation between Nordic and Baltic civil servants is open

2018 09 01

The Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Public Administration is celebrating ten years of bringing civil servants in the Nordic and Baltic countries together to learn from each other and share experiences. To mark this anniversary, an additional application round of the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Public Administration will be open for applications from 27 August. The deadline for submitting applications is 15 October 2018.

Deadline for applications: 15.10.2018

Ten years anniversary of the mobility programme

The Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Public Administration has been supporting projects for developing cooperation in the field of public administration between the Nordic and Baltic countries since 2009. During this period of 10 years the programme has allocated grants for cooperation for more than 500 projects with a total number of over 3000 civil servants participating in different activities aiming at exchange of knowledge and creating networks between public administration structures in the Nordic-Baltic region and thus promoting cooperation of the NB8 countries.

„The project participants have estimated the mobility programme as a practical and user friendly instrument for supporting and developing cooperation of the public sector of the Nordic and Baltic countries. The mobility programme has been described as a useful tool for sharing experiences and building new networks on regional and EU level,“ says Christer Haglund, the Director of the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Estonia, the Management Body of the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Public Administration.

In order to obtain funding, your project should involve partners from at least three countries: Nordic applicants should visit a minimum of two Baltic countries, while Baltic applicants should visit partners in at least two Nordic countries.

Why apply?

  • Your colleagues in other Nordic and Baltic countries have ideas, plans and experiences worth discovering and discussing with partners;
  • Applying and reporting is easy and user friendly – all can be done online at NB8-Grants.

Results from spring 2018

49 applications from the Nordic-Baltic region were approved for grants with a total budget of 262 539 EUR in spring 2018. A total number of 317 civil servants will participate in the projects granted by the mobility programme.

Applying is easy

  • The electronic application system at is open for applications from 27 August 2018;
  • Please read the guidelines carefully and start looking for project partners in good time;
  • Register or log in if you are already a user of the mobility programme and start filling in the application – please note that you can fill in the application step by step up to the deadline;
  • Do not forget to submit your application before the deadline – 15 October 2018!


Madis Kanarbik
Programme Coordinator
Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Estonia
Phone + 372 7 423 625



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