
Culture and Art Programme opens for new applications!

2020 08 13

Nordic ministers for culture have decided to support the Nordic culture sector by providing an additional DKK 3 million to the Culture and Art Programme to alleviate the impact of COVID-19. The extra allocation will be distributed under the autumn round of the programme. Find your Nordic partners and apply by 10 September!


New Nordic Voices – For Colored Girls was granted funding from the Nordic Culture and Art programme in 2018. The project New Nordic Voices presents the visibility of Nordic minorities through exploring selected theatre works of iconic Nordic playwrights and juxtaposing them with Global icons from Afro-American, African and Caribbean traditions. Watch the showcase video here!

New Nordic Voices was produced by ACT, Afro Cosmopolite Thespians, a professional multi-faceted theatre company in Denmark whose vision is to have multiple cultures share a stage, in cooperation with International Culture Centre Caisa (Finland) and Intercult (Sweden).

More information

Brigita Urmanaitė

Brigita Urmanaitė

Adviser for Culture and Education

Lithuanian, English, Norwegian, Estonian, Russian



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