
Extended call of applications for Mobility Programme of Public Administration

2021 08 24

The Nordic Council of Minister’ Offices in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are celebrating their 30th anniversary in 2021. To mark the occasion, an additional round of applications for the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Public Administration will be opened for officials and other public-sector workers. The deadline for the autumn round of applications is 15 October.

An additional round of applications for Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Public Administration is open. Deadline for submitting applications 15 October 2021.

Those who have participated in the programme have said it’s a practical and user-friendly tool for supporting and developing cooperation between the Nordic and Baltic public sectors. The Mobility Programme has been described as a useful tool of support for sharing experiences and developing cooperation networks at regional and EU level.

The aim of the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Public Administration is to create opportunities for officials and other public-sector workers to exchange knowledge and experiences, to develop cooperation networks and to promote partnerships between the Nordic and Baltic countries at all levels of public administration, thereby fostering greater efficiency in the public sector in the whole region. The overall aim is to boost economic growth and well-being throughout the region and to increase its competitiveness globally.

The Mobility Programme supports study visits, work placement trips and network meetings of officials and other public-sector workers, thereby contributing to cooperation between the Nordic and Baltic countries at state, regional and local level. To gain approval, projects must include partners from at least three NB8 countries, with applicants from the Nordic countries visiting at least two of the Baltic countries and Baltic applicants visiting partners in at least two of the Nordic countries.

The programme covers up to 60% of the eligible costs of a project, which can include travel and accommodation expenses and daily allowances. The goal of the programme is to facilitate the harmonisation of more effective public-sector working methods, with the aim being to promote and reinforce cooperation, mobility, exchange of knowledge and development of cooperation networks between public administration structures in the Nordic and Baltic countries.

Why apply?

  • Your Nordic and Baltic colleagues have ideas, plans and experiences worth discovering, discussing and sharing with partners.
  • Applying and reporting are easy and user friendly – everything can be done online at NB8-Grants.

Results of spring 2021 application round

A total of 20 applicants from the Nordic-Baltic region were granted support from the Mobility Programme in spring 2021, to the value of 129,443 euros. Almost 100 officials are taking part in the projects being supported.

Applying is easy

  • Applications can be submitted online at from 15 August 2021.
  • Read through the instructions and start searching for partners in good time.
  • Register (or log in if you have already registered) and start filling in the application form. Note that the form can be filled in over multiple sessions right up to the deadline.
  • Do not forget to submit your application by the 15 October 2021 deadline!

More information

Brigita Urmanaitė

Brigita Urmanaitė

Adviser for Culture and Education

Lithuanian, English, Norwegian, Estonian, Russian



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