
Information on the Corona pandemic in the Nordic region

2020 03 19

Here you can read the recommendations of the Nordic countries, and other official information, in connection with the corona virus in the Nordic countries.

The Nordic region has been affected by the corona virus (COVID-19). In several countries, this has meant large-scale and sudden measures, including travel restrictions, recommendations on personal distance, and a ban on large assemblies of people. The Nordic countries are basing their policies in this area on information from the health authorities. It is important to note that there are certain differences in the recommendations of the various countries, so you should find out which of them apply in the country in which you are staying.

The epidemic and the initiatives taken by the governments of the Nordic countries are expected to have a major impact on the economies, commercial life and labour markets of the countries concerned. These consequences are also being felt by students, workers and companies who depend on being able to cross the borders between the countries.  We therefore recommend that anyone likely to be affected by these consequences should keep themselves informed through the national media, and to contact the relevant authorities for further information.

Here you will find information on the current situation, recommendations, travel restrictions, etc., in the individual Nordic countries:






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