
Karen Ellemann new Secretary General of Nordic Council of Ministers

2022 11 15

Karen Ellemann has been a member of the Danish parliament, the Folketing, since 2007 and has held a number of ministerial posts in the Danish government. She will take up the role of Secretary General of the Nordic Council of Ministers on 1 January 2023.
Karen Ellemann has extensive political expertise in several key areas for Our Vision 2030. She has been Denmark’s minister for gender equality, for the environment, and for social affairs and the interior. On several occasions, she has also been Denmark’s minister for Nordic co-operation.

“The Secretary General of the Nordic Council of Ministers plays an important role in our shared vision of the Nordic Region being the most sustainable and integrated region in the world by 2030. Karen Ellemann is well qualified for this role, and we look forward to working with her,” says Norway’s Minister for Nordic Co-operation, Anne Beate Tvinnereim.

Ellemann is a trained primary school teacher and held a number of managerial roles in the private sector before entering politics in 2005. She has also chaired the Nordic Association and shown a incredible level of commitment to Nordic co-operation. Furthermore, Ellemann has never been shy to speak up when she thinks the Nordic countries could co-operate better.

“I’m very pleased to be entrusted with the role of Secretary General. In light of the situation the world now finds itself in, Nordic co-operation appears more relevant than it has done for many years. I’m therefore looking forward to embarking on this incredibly exciting role together with all my Nordic colleagues in Copenhagen and at the institutions the length and breadth of the Nordic Region,” says Karen Ellemann.

Ellemann succeeds Paula Lehtomäki as Secretary General of the Nordic Council of Ministers.

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Kornelija Kunigonytė

Kornelija Kunigonytė

Adviser for Communication

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