
Social enterprise planning comes to the school benches

2020 11 20

Teenagers can soon anonymously share their problems and receive answers from psychologists, healthcare specialists and social workers on a website. Nedas explains that their consultants are adults with a higher education who offer their aid voluntarily because they are very much in support of such initiatives by youths.

The Paauglystė Be Streso [Stress-free Adolescence] team is currently actively developing an app, through which it will be easier for teenagers to receive answers. The team works as a Lithuanian Junior Achievement student mini-company in the entrepreneurship education programme „AcceleratorX”.

“There will be a phorum and more information about stress, and how to manage it. Currently, the app will be focused on teenagers, but for in future we are also considering assistance for those who are older,” N. Vedeckas shared his future plans. He is certain that whatever business he may create, one of the most important aspects for him will be helping others. Nedas Vedeckas will present his experience and ideas in the youth event Socialinio Verslumo Diena’ 2020. Socialinis Verslas – Galimybių Niša Jaunimui [Social Enterprise Day’ 2020. Enterprise – a Niche of Opportunity for Youths].

Helén Nilsson, the head of the event’s patron the Nordic Council of Ministers Lithuania office, is happy to see many progressive youths in Lithuania who cannot imagine business being separated from social responsibility.

“Youths should be accepted as local and global leaders in our communities. They are the ones who want to present questions about social responsibility, sustainability and social justice, and they want to act, create and start businesses in new ways. Since 2016, the Nordic Council of Ministers has been implementing a children’s and youth strategy, the goal of which is to form good living conditions and increase youth influence. With our activities in Lithuania, we seek to create meaningful dialogue with youths in the domain of social enterprise, and at the same time find the best solutions for the sake of our planet and society,” she says.

The events marking Social Enterprise Day are held annually around the world on the third Thursday of November, and in Lithuania, the day is being marked for the second time. The project’s partners purposefully dedicated this year’s event to Lithuania’s youth, who are those studying in school or university, planning to study, thinking about their upcoming choices in their professional and public life.

“In social business, youths find purpose, and it becomes important for them to create a social impact and expand it, There are also increasing numbers of people who could certainly make use of their entrepreneurship to create a better world,” says the event’s organiser, VšĮ Geri norai head Jurgita Ribinskaitė-Glatzer.

At the event, youths and our current and future leaders shared their experiences, spoke about social responsibility, sustainable consumption, and the interest in creating innovative companies and organisations which will diverge from the principles of traditional business in their goals and structure. Talks were held by the representatives from Lithuanian Social Enterprise Association and Versli Lietuva [Enterprise Lithuania], and guests from Sweden and Latvia introduced youth social enterprise initiatives from overseas.

The event was intended for youths aged 14-29 years old and education, science and study-based organisations working with youths as well as NGOs, municipal and central government representatives, and anybody interested in the topics of social enterprise and youth entrepreneurship.

More information

Lina Janušauskienė

Lina Janušauskienė

Adviser for Economy, Finances and Energy

Lithuanian, English, Russian



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