
Solving children’s problems through social business ideas

2019 03 20

On March 21, Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Lithuania together with partners is launching a project “100 Social Innovations for the Next Century”. The project will focus on life changing ideas capable of driving pioneering efforts and improving life quality for children and young people in Nordic-Baltic region.

All innovative ideas will be presented on webpage – a specially curated platform for millennials to inspire and share their unique social business ideas.

The webpage showcases different success stories presented by young social entrepreneurs and their efforts to turn life-changing ideas into reality. Every week the website will expand with new ideas until 100 social innovations are presented. 7 Nordic and Baltic countries are involved in this project: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Norway.

Evaluation process of innovative business ideas will be carried out by representatives from “Reach for Change”, various professionals from Baltic and Nordic countries as well as other external experts coming from different professional fields. The official evaluation commission will consist of the following individuals: Helén Nilsson, Director of the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Lithuania, Sofia Breitholtz, the CEO of “Reach for Change”, Laura Blaževičiūtė, General Director of TV3, Andrius Baranauskas, Corporate Communication Manager in the Baltic States at TELE2, Kimmo Lipponen, Head of the Finnish Social Business Association, Liene Reine-Miteva, Head of the Latvian Social Business Association, and Marge Maidla, Head of the Estonian Social Business Association.

“Ultimate goal of this project is to unleash the power of social entrepreneurship and innovation to create a better world for children. This project provides opportunity to get seed investment for young people and their ideas, expert support in accelerator and incubation. It increases public awareness and encourages active participation in creating social value for children and youth. Ultimately, this would lead to better cooperation and stronger youth networks across the Baltic Sea”, says Helén Nilsson, Director of Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Lithuania.

When selecting best cases for the project, experts followed these two criteria: the organization’s activities must be focused on improving lives of children and young people, or the founder-leader of the organization must be a young person.

An international conference will take place at the end of the project, where the participants will have the opportunity to meet their peers, share their and network. The conference will take place on Tuesday, May 28 at Culture Bar Kablys, Kauno str. 5 in Vilnius.

The project „100 Social Innovations for the Next Century” is implemented by the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Lithuania, “Reach for Change”, TELE2 and TV3.



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