
Strengthening societies: funding for collaborative NGO projects in Lithuania and the Nordics

2024 08 08

This year, our NGO Cooperation Support Programme will allocate over EUR 53,000 to fund collaborative projects between Lithuanian and Nordic NGOs. The selected initiatives are dedicated to enhancing mental health support for young people, promoting the integration of individuals with disabilities, and empowering the LGBT community.

Through these efforts, we aim to contribute to the development of strong, resilient societies across our region.

Discover more about the funded projects:

Peer support implementation to promote youth’s mental health

The project aims to foster the exchange of knowledge and best practices in peer support implementation within the mental health sector, specifically targeting youth, by organizing a study visit and events between Iceland, Lithuania, Norway, and Faroe Islands (Denmark) nongovernmental organizations. The project will also include an international online advocacy event, highlighting the importance of user organizations in peer support.

  • Project duration: 1 September 2024 – 31 January 2025
  • Lead partner: Mental Health Perspectives, Lithuania
  • Partners: Traustur Kjarni, Iceland, Erfaringssentrum, Norway, Sinnisbati, Faroe Islands

Realising reasonable accommodation principle for more inclusive and socially sustainable Lithuania

The project is aimed at strengthening the realisation of the principle of reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities in Lithuania. By bringing the Swedish knowledge and experience, this project will contribute to the disability NGO efforts of advocating broader legislation on reasonable accommodation in Lithuania and Latvia. It will also build cooperation on this topic between Sweden, Lithuania and Latvia. The project consists of three parts: Public Forum (conference on reasonable accommodation in specific areas); Guidelines (how to practice reasonable accommodation in education and health care areas) and Communication of the project results.

  • Project duration: 1 June 2024 – 1 June 2025
  • Lead partner: Lithuanian Disability Forum, Lithuania
  • Partners: Independent Living Institute, Sweden, SUSTENTO, Latvian Umbrella Body for Disability Organisations

Pride as a Platform for Strengthening Nordic – Baltic Cooperation

The project aims to expand the capacity of NGOs in the Baltic States by sharing experience and knowledge with the Nordic partners, consolidating public support for the rights of the local LGBT community, and fostering impactful collaboration between NGOs, using pride as a platform for strengthening Nordic – Baltic cooperation. The project will culminate with an international human rights conference and final partner meeting under the framework of the Baltic Pride 2025 in Vilnius in June 2025.

  • Project duration 1 August 2024 – 31 July 2025
  • Lead partner: National LGBT rights organization LGL, Lithuania
  • Partners: Mozaika, Latvia, LGBT Association, Estonia, Latvian Human Rights Centre, Estonian Human Rights Centre, Samtokin 78, Iceland

More information

Mindaugas Damijonaitis

Mindaugas Damijonaitis

Adviser for NGO cooperation and Belarus

Lithuanian, English, German, Russian



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