
The Nordic perspective at COP27

2022 11 04

The annual UN climate negotiations will take place in Sharm El-Sheikh in Egypt from 6 to 18 November. Nordic co-operation will be in attendance.
The Nordic countries have ambitious climate goals and we firmly believe that we can do more by working together. This is why we’ve joined forces in 2015 at the annual UN climate negotiations and the Conference of the Parties (COP) to establish dialogue and share knowledge on climate solutions and challenges. What solutions do we have? And what solutions do we still need?

This year is no different. With more than 50 events, the Nordic Pavilion at COP27 covers a wide range of topics on climate change and solutions. We’ll discuss everything including carbon budgets, green energy, future cities, how to build back green after war, food systems, the importance of forests, the interrelationship between climate and gender, how to finance a just green transition, technical solutions, nature-based solutions, loss & damage, and biodiversity. It’s already quite a long list, but these are just a few of the topics up for discussion.

To bind it all together, we’ll open the pavilion with a youth panel sharing their desired outcomes from the UNFCCC negotiation process. On the last day of the negotiations, we’ll invite them back to reflect on the results actually achieved at COP27 and understand which of their hopes have been fulfilled and what remains to be done?

Hear young people’s voices at the Nordic Pavilion

This year, the Nordic Pavilion will be a platform for Nordic youth organisations to engage in debate and dialogue at COP27. They’ll take the stage and set the agenda at eight events at the Nordic Pavilion, and participate in many more. They’re challenging the Nordic countries to phase out oil and gas, to support an international ecocide law, to formalise youth influence on climate policy, and to tighten their policy for biodiversity.

Have a closer look in the programme

Full Program for the Nordic Pavilion at COP27

All events from Nordic COP27 Pavilion in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, will be live-streamed. Follow the live broadcast here: Live broadcasts from COP27 | Nordic cooperation (

More information

Agnė Buraitytė

Agnė Buraitytė

Adviser for Climate, Environment and Digitalization

Lithuanian, English



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