Nordic Culture Fund

Apply for funding  Open


15.09.2024 11:59 (GMT+3)

Eligible Applicants

Individual, group, institution, association, company, public or private organisations

Application rounds

20.02.2024 - 02.09.2024  11:59

08.01.2024 - 24.05.2024  00:11

12.08.2024 - 15.11.2024  11:59

19.02.2024 - 17.05.2024  11:59

12.08.2024 - 16.11.2024  11:59

14.06.2024 - 15.09.2024  11:59

Through  funding programmes, partnerships and cultural policy work, the Nordic Culture Fund aims to stimulate the development of art and cultural life and ensure flexible frameworks for new transnational collaborations.

Current funding programmes:

  • Opstart
  • Project Funding
  • Globus Opstart+
  • Globus FORWARD

Project Funding for collaborations across the Nordic region

Twice a year, you can apply for Project Funding for projects that build on and develop collaborations across the Nordic Regions. Projects may also involve partners from other countries.

Project Funding is a tool of the Nordic Culture Fund that promotes the development of artistic and cultural life and strengthens cooperation between different cultural actors and artists in the Nordic countries.

The emphasis is on originality and international cooperation in the Nordic countries, but we also support partnerships and projects that develop in various ways outside the Nordic region.

The Fund encourages and supports the establishment of new art and culture initiatives and networks as well as their development stages. Funding may also be awarded to ongoing projects if they involve a clear development and innovation of existing projects, and the Fund’s support is clearly relevant.

Cultural actors, artists, public and private organisations, institutions, associations, etc., regardless of nationality, can apply for project funding.

The maximum amount of funding is DKK 500 000 (around EUR 67 000). Before applying, it is worth checking the information on previously funded projects and the scope of the Nordic Culture Fund grants. The project must have at least 50% co-financing from other sources.

The Project Funding programme accepts applications until:

  • Feb 19, 2024, (23:59 Danish time, CEST)
  • Sep 2, 2024, (23:59 Danish time, CEST)

For full details here: Project Funding


Opstart is the Nordic Culture Fund’s investment in the initial phases of artistic and cultural projects. The programme supports the joint development of new and promising project ideas, with a view to strengthening the Nordic ambitions of the projects.

You can apply for up to DKK 25,000 (around EUR 33 00), and there is no requirement for co-financing. Opstart has a rolling application deadline, and you will receive a reply within 20 working days.

In 2024 Opstart applications are accepted:

  • Jan 8 – May 24, 2024, (23:59 Danish time, CEST)
  • Aug 12 – Nov 15, 2024, (23:59 Danish time, CEST)

Full details here: Get off to a better start with Opstart | Funding Programmes | Nordic Culture Fund (

Globus Opstart+

Globus Opstart is a support programme within the Fund’s thematic initiative Globus. The programme supports the establishment and research phases of projects that could not be developed in the Nordic countries alone. The programme focuses in particular on projects that operate with an exploratory approach to building collaborations and seeking new knowledge to develop and strengthen their practice in a global framework.

In 2024 Globus Opstart+ applications are accepted:

  • Feb 19 – May 17, 2024 (23:59 Danish time, CEST)
  • Aug 12 – Nov 15, 2024, (23:59 Danish time, CEST)

Full details here: Globus Opstart+ supports the establishment of Nordic-Global collaborations with long-term ambitions | Funding Programmes | Nordic Culture Fund (


Globus FORWARD supports artistic and cultural collaborations that operate in wide transnational settings and that are ready for further development. The aim is to strengthen the long-term capacities of new collaborative formats. 

In 2024 Globus FORWARD applications are accepted:

  • Jun 14 – Sep 15, 2024 (23:59 Danish time, CEST)

Full details here: Globus FORWARD – Strengthening the capacities of transnational collaborations | Funding Programmes | Nordic Culture Fund (

Find out more about the Nordic Culture Fund

Nordic Culture Fund

Ved Stranden 18

DK-1061 Copenhagen, Denmark

+45 33 96 02 42



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Apply for funding  Open

More information

Brigita Urmanaitė

Brigita Urmanaitė

Adviser for Culture and Education

Lithuanian, English, Norwegian, Estonian, Russian



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