Support Programme for NGO Cooperation between the Nordic and Baltic Countries

Apply for funding  Open


17.03.2025 23:59 (GMT+3)

Eligible Applicants

Non-Governmental organisations

Application rounds

02.02.2025 - 17.03.2025  23:59

The Nordic-Baltic NGO Cooperation Support Programme is here to support the development of a strong and dynamic civil society in the Baltic Sea Region. By sharing experience and knowledge with Nordic partners, this programme helps expand the capacity of NGOs in the Baltic States.

Programme objectives

The programme promotes:

  • Network cooperation in prioritised areas
  • Knowledge transfer for mutual benefit within different sector areas
  • Experience exchange on best practices
  • Capacity building within civil society

Eligible forms of project activities:

  • Network activities, such as seminars and workshops with the aim to strengthen cooperation within the priority areas of the programme
  • Study visits for exchange of experience
  • Trainings, societal education projects
  • Research projects

Who can apply?

It is a formal requirement that the applicant and relevant partners are Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs). The programme defines NGOs as “non-profit, publicly anchored, civic organisations that are neither owned nor controlled by public authorities, nor by private companies, and which have an open and democratic structure”.

To be eligible for funding, a project must involve at least three NGOs. This can include two different Nordic countries and one Baltic country, or alternatively, one Nordic country and two different Baltic countries (2+1 or 1+2). Additionally, Ukrainian NGOs operating within the Nordic-Baltic countries can be included as supplementary partners.

Applicants should have good working knowledge in English. English is the language of application writing, reporting and the work language of all programme documents. Applications are submitted through NCM Grants.

Programme priorities

Successful projects should reflect strategic priorities of the NCM Vision 2030.

In alignment with the Vision, the 2025 call prioritizes projects aimed at enhancing resilience within Nordic-Baltic societies:

  • Strengthening Societal security including crises preparedness.
  • Improving health and well-being of children and youth* (especially from socially vulnerable groups) through inclusion and sport and promotion of healthy and sustainable lifestyle.
  • Integration initiatives for Ukrainian refugees. Primary target group – children and youth.
  • Integration and education (e.g. combatting disinformation, strengthening media literacy) fostering initiatives for minorities in the regions. Primary target group – children and youth.

*Children – up to 18 y.o./ Youth – up to 29 y.o.

Projects should also take into consideration cross-cutting themes: gender equality, children and youth, Agenda 2030.


The minimum grant is 7.000 EUR, and the maximum – 25.000 EUR.

Eligible costs and financing:

  • Costs related to network activities like seminars, meetings, and workshops
  • Travel expenses (economy class)
  • Accommodation (economy class) and per diems
  • Expert fees
  • Salary of the Project leader and Accountant

Proposals with a part of the budget financed by the applicant or a third party will be viewed favourably. Co-funding should be given as a monetary contribution, either directly by the applicant or indirectly through a third party (organisation/partner/donor/authority) towards the project. To be considered as co-funding the contribution needs to be directly linked to the budgetary framework provided and be an integral part of the application and the specific activities within this and provided before or during the implementation period. In-kind contributions, such as use of space, staff time or equipment, are not considered as co-funding.

Non-eligible costs:

  • Infrastructure, regular activities, and administrative costs of the applicant
  • Other costs which are not in harmony with the objectives of the programme

Assessment criteria

Decisions on grants are taken by the Director of the Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Lithuania based on the quality of applications, the budget frames of the programme and the following indicators:

  • Purposes of the programme
  • The criteria for support
  • Consistency between the problems, objectives, activities, and results
  • A clear division of tasks and responsibilities
  • Sustainability: the proposals containing a description of follow-up activities are viewed positively.
  • Cost-efficiency

Decisions can be expected no later than 6 weeks after the deadline for applying.

Learn more

Apply for funding  Open

More information

Mindaugas Damijonaitis

Mindaugas Damijonaitis

Adviser for NGO cooperation and Belarus

Lithuanian, English, German, Russian



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