
Trust – The Nordic Gold

01.03.2019 - 31.12.2019

The Nordic region boasts the highest levels of social trust globally, a factor that significantly benefits its economy, individuals, and society as a whole. A new report, “Trust – The Nordic Gold,” published by the Policy Analysis Unit of the Nordic Council of Ministers Secretariat, delves into the reasons behind this exceptional level of social trust and explores the emerging threats to its sustainability.

Project purpose

Social trust, a subject of considerable research over recent decades, is a cornerstone of Nordic society. The Nordic region is renowned for its unparalleled social trust among its population, a characteristic that the extensive research literature identifies as a crucial societal resource, both economically and socially.

The report provides an in-depth analysis of how the Nordic region has cultivated such high levels of trust. This achievement is attributed to various societal processes, some with historical roots and others of a more contemporary nature. Key factors include the historical role of voluntary associations, the function of the state, the presence of well-functioning and fair societal institutions, and the absence of corruption.

Despite the high levels of social trust, the report highlights several challenges that threaten its sustainability in the Nordic region. The future of social trust is largely influenced by the actions of politicians and other decision-makers. Therefore, while the challenges are significant, they also present opportunities for proactive measures to preserve and enhance social trust.

Key events and activities

To address these issues and foster public engagement, the Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Lithuania has organized numerous public debates on social trust in cities such as Vilnius and Klaipėda. These events aim to stimulate community discussion and bring attention to the critical role of social trust in society.