
BeUBio: Targeting Youth in the Baltic Sea Region for the SDGs and Bio-economy

01.07.2019 - 01.01.2020

BeUBio aims to promote youth involvement across the Baltic Sea Region for transition to a bio-based economy, and create synergies with other actors and initiatives addressing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Project purpose and goals

The BeUBio initiative emerged from the Baltic Leadership Programme Bio-economy Youth. It is a seed money project designed to pave the way for a larger endeavor, incorporating more youth actors and organizations committed to sustainability goals, particularly the advancement of the bio-economy.

Regional cooperation efforts such as the Baltic Leadership Programme on Youth, Bio-economy (BLP Youth), ReGeneration 2030, and the Baltic Youth Festival exemplify this collaborative spirit. However, we need more coordinated initiatives and methods to attract and involve youth.

The aims of BeUBio are to:

  • Unite young people, politicians, and corporate decision-makers to foster synergies with other actors and initiatives addressing the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the transition to a bio-based economy.
  • Establish a platform in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) that empowers youth to participate in and lead the development of a circular bio-economy within the EUSBSR and other relevant actions.

Project partners

Lead partners:

  • Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Lithuania
  • Swedish Board of Agriculture

Other partners:

  • Vidzeme Planning Region, Cēsis, Latvia
  • The Region of Kalmar County, Sweden
  • Estonian University of Life Sciences
  • Nordregio
  • JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland
  • South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences

Key events and activities

The activities will focus on establishing connections with other youth actors in the Baltic Sea Region, seeking common ground for a larger project targeting youth, sustainability, and bio-economy.

Key initiatives include:

  • Establishing a Pilot Youth Bio-economy Council linked to the NCM Bio-economy Council.
  • Conducting a comprehensive mapping of educational resources on bio-economy within the BSR.
  • Hosting a workshop at the EUSBSR Annual Forum.
  • Reaching out to youth initiatives within other macro-regional strategies.

More information

Lina Janušauskienė

Lina Janušauskienė

Adviser for Economy, Finances and Energy

Lithuanian, English, Russian