FOR-IN 2.0 will adopt a more practical approach, addressing critical needs to sustain effective integration systems and advancing the concept of inclusive cities. These efforts are particularly vital in a world where the number of forcibly displaced people continues to reach unprecedented levels annually.
Project purpose and goals
- Targeted capacity building on key topics and priorities through diverse methodologies, including training sessions, peer-to-peer learning, study visits, and strategic advisory support
- Engaging a broader range of strategic partners and stakeholders, including immigrants and refugees who have not been actively involved in previous FOR-IN project
- Strengthening connections and further consolidating networks among regional, national, and local stakeholders as a self-sustaining teaching and learning platform
- Developing a holistic and tailored approach that considers both country-specific and cross-cutting priorities
- Establishing a self-sustaining regional platform that connects actors and stakeholders from various fields across the Nordic-Baltic region who are working on or involved in integration
Project thematic areas
- Research and development: providing tools and practices that can be applied in various countries
- Holistic approach: including language, mental health and psychosocial support
- Continuing process: establishing a self-sustainable regional platform for integration actors
Project target groups
Local, regional and national authorities, civil society, refugee and immigrant-led organizations, NGOs, researchers and other integration actors
Major events and activities
- Kick-off conference Shaping Inclusive Cities Together, 9-10 April 2025 in Kaunas, Lithuania
- Project conference in Ludza, Latvia
- Nordic-Baltic Migration Conference Keys of Integration through Access to Digital Tools and Affordable Housing (tbc), 16 October 2025 in Tartu, Estonia
- Study visits to the Nordic countries in 2025-2026
Activities of the FOR-IN project 2022-2024
Read final project implementation report
Coordinators of the project activities
- Vida Gintautaitė, Adviser for Social and Health issues, Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Lithuania
- Karolis Zibas, Integration Officer, UNHCR Representation for the Nordic and Baltic countries