
For-In: Fostering Refugee and Immigrant Integration

03.01.2022 - 31.12.2023

During the past 10 years, the Baltic Countries have continuously improved integration policies by developing specific national level programmes and action plans. The mission of the project is to strengthen these existing initiatives further and apply experience and knowledge of the Nordic Countries. Such synergy would benefit not only local authorities and civil society, but also refugee and immigrant communities as well other integration actors. With the current refugee situation in Europe rapidly changing due to the war in Ukraine these aims are more important than ever.

Project purpose and goals

  • Facilitate country specific intersectional cooperation mechanisms to reinforce local level reception/integration capacities and the development of local level integration action planning (especially, in the context of rapidly increased arrivals).
  • Develop regional networks of integration practitioners to further facilitate knowledge exchange and ensure that key holistic integration principles are in place.
  • Facilitate pro-active engagement of refugees and immigrants in the co-design and co-implementation of goals and actions concerning programmes which support their integration.
  • Look at existing local level practices to address Covid-19 Pandemic related consequences to refugee and immigrant communities.

Actions to strengthen cooperation and develop partnerships:

  • Country specific cooperation. To develop local level tools and cross-fertilize existing integration practices considering specific local level contexts.
  • Pan-Baltic cooperation. To facilitate cooperation on integration between the Baltic countries.
  • Nordic-Baltic cooperation. To develop regional network of integration practitioners and twinning cities.

Project thematic areas

  • Local level integration planning: coordination and partnerships
  • Sustainable and democratic cities: engaging local immigrant and refugee communities, creating inclusive cities for all residents
  • Data collection and evidence-based policy making: towards an informed provision of services

Project target groups

Local authorities, civil society, refugee and immigrant-led organizations, NGOS and other integration actors


Coordinators of the project activities:


  • Vida Gintautaitė, Adviser for Social and Health issues at the Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Lithuania
  • Lina Kisevičienė, Director of Diversity Development Group


  • Daina Mežecka, Adviser on Social Welfare and Civil Society at Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Latvia
  • Alda Sebre, Social Integration Foundation
  • Ieva Raubisko, Providus


  • Madis Kanarbik, Head of Nordic Council of Ministers Branch Office in Tartu
  • Anne-Ly Reimaa, Head of International Relations on Integration Issues at the Estonian Ministry of Culture
  • Viivian Jõemets, Chief Expert at the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research
  • Janika Hango, CEO of Tartu Welcome Centre

UNHCR Representation for the Nordic and Baltic countries

Karolis Zibas, Integration Officer