
Green Tables: A Baltic-Nordic Journey Towards a More Sustainable Food and Restaurant Sector

01.11.2020 - 01.10.2021

Today, the globe is facing a host of problems and issues related to climate change, the greenhouse effect and sustainability. One significant problem is the high degree of food currently being wasted as this has deep-seated negative social, economic and environmental consequences. In the EU alone, approximately 88 million tonnes of food are wasted yearly with associated costs estimated at around €143 billion. Food waste is responsible for around 6% of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe, and, at the same time, every second day approximately 43 million people cannot afford a quality meal. As such, the fight against food waste has never been more important, and there is much to be done if we wish to reach target 3 of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 12 and halve global food waste at the retail and consumer levels before 2030.

Steps in the right direction, however, are being taken with the Nordic countries as frontrunners on the journey towards zero food waste and boasting a great array of initiatives to minimise waste and develop and implement circular economy models and more sustainable solutions.

Project purpose and goals

Nordic Council of Ministers office in Lithuania, the Danish Embassy in Vilnius and the Danish Cultural Institute in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, Farmers Circle and other partners are cooperating to launch a series of events on waste reduction and circular production in the restaurant and food sector. The events include a conference, a gourmet dining experience and a masterclass. All will have a strong emphasis on international cooperation and the sharing of Nordic and Baltic competencies and knowledge.

The project aims to shed light on the immense issue of unsustainable food systems and provide chefs and other stakeholders with tools to reduce food waste in their work.

Project target groups

Green Tables aims to reach and involve a broad range of experts and actors working in the restaurant and food sector, including chefs, policy makers, NGO and business representatives, academics as well as students and apprentice chefs.


  • Danish Cultural Institute in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania
  • Danish Embassy in Vilnius
  • Farmers Circle, Lithuania
  • Senatorių pasažas, Lithuania

More information

Agnė Buraitytė

Agnė Buraitytė

Adviser for Climate, Environment and Digitalization

Lithuanian, English