
Urban Sports Culture

17.02.2020 - 31.12.2021

The project aims to foster youth inclusion in urban environments in Lithuania, Denmark and Sweden using urban sport and culture as a vehicle and instrument. The Nordic countries have a long tradition of sport activities being seen as part of civil society movement with a big focus on sport of all and inclusion. In Lithuania, sport is still often regarded as an activity leading to a professional career with focus on competition and results. The role of sport as a tool of engaging youth in urban development, solving problems of health and social exclusion is not yet fully exploited.

Project purpose and goals

Overall goal is to create thriving urban sports communities of youngsters in the partner cities of Denmark, Lithuania and Sweden, with special focus on Kaunas, as European Capital of Culture in 2022. The project will provide youngsters with skills using urbans sports and culture as tools for their further active inclusion in programming city development. At the same time, the project aims to help youth in building new cooperation for sports, cultural and social initiatives, increase the motivation for volunteering, strengthen bonds between Lithuanian and Nordic countries youth organizations, increase social inclusion of vulnerable groups and provide opportunities for everyone willing to do sports linked to health and wellbeing or start their cultural initiative.


  • Funded by Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Lithuania
  • Lead partner Active Youth, Lithuania
  • Other partners: Kaunas2022, Lithuania, GAME, Denmark, FRYSHUSET, Sweden

Key events and activities

May – June 2021:

  • 4 Events in Sweden and Denmark: Focused on equality topics, including subjects from SDG Goals 4 and 5.

August – September 2021:

  • 3 Study Visits/Exchanges: One in each partner country: Lithuania, Sweden, and Denmark.

September – October 2021:

  • GAME Playmakers Camp and Sports Festival in Kaunas: Partners will organize the GAME playmakers camp and the sports festival in Kaunas alongside Active Youth. Partner organizations will share best practices and engage youth in active participation and capacity building. The urban sports and healthy lifestyle festival/conference “Kaunas Playing” will also showcase good practices from Nordic countries, promoting sustainable societal development, equality in sports, and cultural activities.

November 2021:

  • Workshops in Kaunas, Lithuania: For NGOs, representatives of municipalities, sports facilities, and other relevant stakeholders to facilitate dialogue among all actors.

More information about the project: Urban Sports Culture – Active Youth Association