Dementia prevention and inclusive urban environments

Register by 15 September Open

Elderly couple walking down the street/

Date & time

30.09.2024 12:00 (GMT+3)


Online and in Riga City Council, Rātslaukums 1, Riga, Latvia



On September 30 and October 1, you are invited to attend a two-day Nordic and Baltic conference on two topical matters: support for people with dementia and solutions for inclusive urban environments. The aim of the conference is to gather experts from the Nordic and Baltic countries to inspire action through practical, experience-based examples and to promote cross-sector collaboration.

Speakers at the conference are leading experts from the Nordic and Baltic countries, including representatives from the Nordic Welfare Centre and state institutions in Estonia, Finland, Norway and Sweden.


Dementia. Support for people with dementia, their relatives, and professionals

September 30, 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM

According to research, more than 50 000 people in Lithuania are affected by dementia, and given the demographic trends of an ageing population, this number is set to grow. Although there is currently no medical cure for dementia, various preventive measures, early diagnosis, support systems, and innovative care methods in the Nordic countries have shown positive results.

Discussions will focus on effective support systems for dementia patients across different countries, early diagnosis, support for relatives, well-being of caregivers and innovative solutions in dementia care.

After the event, we invite you to stay for refreshments and continue the conversations in an informal setting.

Target audience: representatives of social care centers, social work specialists, caregivers, social care policy makers, politicians and other interested parties.


Urban areas accessible for all generations

October 1, 8:30 AM – 2:00 PM

From a Nordic perspective, a city that is suitable for everyone is accessible, safe, humane, and comfortable for all individuals. The fundamental principle of universal design is to create an inclusive and comfortable environment for everyone. For some, this is a convenience; for others, it may be a necessity. Nordic architects and urban planners have extensive experience in designing urban environments that are centered around people. Universal design does not impose specific requirements for any particular social group; instead, it ensures that every service, infrastructure, and environment is accessible to everyone.

On the second day of the conference, experts from various countries will share their experiences in creating sustainable living spaces adaptable for all generations, universal design, and urban elements that enhance the well-being and inclusion of residents of all ages.

Target audience: urban planning specialists, architects, neighborhood and community activists, NGO representatives, social service providers, social policy makers, politicians, and other interested parties.

Participation in the conference is free, with prior registration required.

More information

Vida Gintautaitė

Vida Gintautaitė

Adviser for Social and Health issues

Lithuanian, English, Russian



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